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Our Services

We Provide Superior Slab Jacking Services

We bring 35 years of experience of effective chemical grout solutions that save time & money, while effectively solving structure problems on every project. Our team will work directly with our clients, or in conjunction with their Geo Technical & Building Envelope Engineers. Each task is carefully considered and planned, for flawless execution and superior results that always exceed our clients’ expectations. Let us turn your complicated problem into a simple repair. Soil Lock is the accessible and simple alternative to soil stability problems. Take the guesswork out your construction dilemma, and choose the time-efficient and economical solutions our customers have come to know and trust.

Soil Stabilization

Soil stabilization is necessary in situations where the earth does not have a good bearing capacity.

Slab Lifting

Our technicians can repair and “lift” the slab with chemical grout to even surfaces and fill voids for a durable, stable surface that is better than new.

Concrete Crack Injections

Soil Lock Services offers solutions for home and business owners dealing with cracking and crumbling in their building foundation or other concrete structures.


Soil Stabilization
Slab Lifting
Crack Sealing
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Why Choose Us

Reasons To Choose Forefront Group

Quality Material

We use only premium materials using the latest technologies.

Trained Workers

All our technicians are trained to using the latest techniques and standards.

Time Availability

We work on your schedule and will complete the job in a timely fashion.

Quick Response

We understand your needs are urgent and we provide

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